another passport saga

I know my hubbys moms maiden name why does he not know mine?


this of course is leading into the passport saga.

I applied February 7 and still do not have one.

the kids got theirs in March.

well passport canada called the house on saturday and got DH, all they needed to know was my mom's maiden name to process mine. well he told them to call me at work. well duh, the switchboard does not work on saturdays at work. so he is getting his in two weeks and mine is still no where in sight.


keep in mind since passport canada currently has our birth certificates, we cannot even drive across the border


I am never going to get to go anywhere, I am stuck in canada forever.


Cassandra said…
I just pop quizzed my hubby to make sure he knew my Mom's maiden name-ha! I hope you get this resolved quickly!

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