Want to know what I learned last night?

one 3 year old boy

one metal flashlight with dead batteries

one centrevac hole in the wall
know where this is going

Well said three year old puts the metal flashlight in the centrevac hole in the wall. It is the perfect size to cause the arc and make pretty blue light. And make said three year olds hand very hot to the touch. And make good enough contact to turn said centrevac on And once Mommy has run like heck to find out what the pretty blue light was, and how the centre vac got turned on and shocked herself pulling said flashlight out That the dead batteries in the flashlight now work. I think that surprised me the most. That the batteries then worked.

Little guy has never done anything like that before. Whatever possessed him?
His hand hurt for a while, and he cried real tears for about a half hour. I hope he never does something like that again.

And this morning he says that his foot hurts again, he would not jump out of the van. It looks okay just kind of callused from the wart treatments and exposed skin layered.


Paula... said…
Hmmm I'd get safety plugs in all those electrical outlets!!! I don't know what a centrevac is but it sounds scary and painful!!

Maybe the soft skin in the centre of the wart is tender at the moment and that is what's causing him a bit of pain.
Jenny said…
How scary!

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