
Showing posts from October, 2006

Happy Halloween 2006

well it is halloween day. Not sure if I deserve the best mom award or the worst mom award. Here goes: Daughter is up playing at 3 as usual. At about 5:30 she comes into my room and says I think I am going to throw up mom. So I saw go get a bowl and lay down for a while. Well I hear a cough and splat. So get up. She made it to the cupboard with the bowls but didn't manage to get a bowl. So I hand her a bowl and tell her to lie down quietly for a while. I clean up the mess, and within 10 minutes she is up playing again. Very hyper. I go back to bed, and get up at 7 like I usually do. She says she is fine. I keep asking her to sit quietly. She eats a bowl of noodles for breakfast. Says she is fine. Is playing very hyperly with her brother until eight. So I send her to school. Good mom or bad mom?????????????????????? I am still deciding myself.

Gotta wonder at life:

Smoke won the NASCAR race yesterday. WOOHOO. made my day, wish J. Burton would have done better. I don't think he has a chance at the championship now. Please make me eat my words. I am quiet. I feel introspective, disaccociated from the world around me, and just plain unconnected. I feel no joy, only pain. No laughs only tears. When I get to the point where I feel nothing it will be so much better. I hated driving on the icy snowy roads today, hated it totally. Hubby was really weird all weekend. No clue why, but he really was. Just like I didn't exist in his world. But I guess that is a good thing. Hubby dropped Mom's gifts off to her. She called to thank me. I said sorry they were late I had a hectic week. She says oh, WHY would you have had a hectic week? Let me see, raising two kids, working full time, pain, anguish, daughters dental work, missing a day of work, never sleeping, trying to survive, NOPE not hectic at all. Someone on one of the boards ask...

Waking Up to a White World

Go to bed last night to a brown world, and wake up this morning to a white one. somewhere between 6 to 8 inches of white stuff, hopefully it won't last long. Daughter says her teeth don't hurt any more which is very very good. Both kids had earaches last night.

Friday, its friday, its friday

OMG it is Friday. I am so looking forward to the weekend. Don't know why really, but I hope beyond all hope I can get some sleep. Living without sleep and trying not to be grumpy just isn't doing it for me. Hubby is supposed to be home this weekend too. Daughter was up three times last night with night terrors, screaming, and sleepwalking, this morning of course she could not remember any of it. She finally ate some soft noodles last night for supper and wanted more this morning. First time she has actually eaten since Tuesday night. That is good to get food in her tummy. She said the kids at school made fun of her yesterday for having cavities. I sure hope not. She is quite self concious of the silver caps so I do think it happened. Why why do kids have to be mean? My pain is off the scale today, it took awhile to even straighten to get out of bed, I have a respiratory thing going on again, and I am tired. I hate being sick all the time and not being able to get be...

Marvel at a new day!

As my little guy and I are walking out the back door of the house, he stops right in his tracks. Looking deep into the sky in the east and says MOM, it is so PRETTY. Yes my little guy took the time to appreciate a wonderful sunrise. I leaned down and we both just stayed there and marveled at the beauty of a new day. The pinks and oranges and the prettyness of it all. He surprised me last night too. Little guy had a strange day yesterday. Yanked out of bed two hours early, dumped at daycare when no other kids were there, getting picked up early, and having a very upset sister. His schedule was just all off. He is cuddling up to me on my bed trying to find some security and comfort. He looks at a picutre on my wall that has been there forever. IT is the first time he has noticed it as far as I knew. He says, the ocean is really hitting those rocks Mom. And that is a really really huge waterful. And the water is going into the ocean isn't it Mom?. This just took me by sur...

Just plain ole grouchiness

I know I am sick. I know the two kids are sick. I know that daughter is having major dental work done on Wednesday. I know I am inconveniencing you by insisting you take the day off of work. I am taking the day off work too, no one does my work when I am off. HOWEVER it is over the top when you simply call me up to tell me how inconvenienced this is to you. I ask you if you had invited your friends (your friends) to the Rebel hockey game on Saturday night. You said no you had "forgot." Fine the tickets are free, I will pass them on to someone else at work. BUT, when I mention that I had been so looking forward to some time away from the kids and some adult company and eating a meal undisturbed do NOT tell me how kids inconvenience lives. I don't want to hear it, I truly don't. Get it, the kids are 6 and 3 they are yours and they are here to stay, quit punishing me for having them. IF you did not want kids you should have done something about it. I am tired, ex...

This is too cute

for a tie breaker between Donald Duck and Cinderella I ended up You scored as Donald Duck. You scored as Donald Duck . Your alter ego is Donald Duck! Try as you might, you have a nasty temper that is hard to control. But you try hard to please, and you arn't one to go down without a fight. Donald Duck 100% Cinderella 100% The Beast 88% Goofy 75% Ariel 75% Peter Pan 75% Sleeping Beauty 63% Pinocchio 50% Cruella De Ville 25% Snow White 0% Which Disney Character is your Alter Ego? created with

Oscarisms for Monday October 23, 2006

Well Jeff Burton had a lousy race yesterday, dropped GULP 4 places in the points race. Argggg. That huts. I guess the only thing that makes it better is I did not watch the race. I was scrap-booking. WOOHOO. I went to Croptoberfest on Saturday night and Sunday. Exhuasted me but I was glad I went. I had the sole ambition of getting my sons ABC,123,color book done. and other than X, 5, 10 I must say it is done. I need a few stickers or something for a few of the other pages but as a whole it is done, and I ran out of sheet protectors and I won't give it to him until all the pages are covered. Daughter looked at it with me and was immediately well YOU didn't put colors in MY book. Jeaulosy rears its ugly head. Once again though the experience reinforces my opinion that I just rub other women the wrong way. Talk about bitchy rude women. I just don't get why it is always directed at me. Cause I am the quiet shy one. Don't know. I would love to get a area set ...

If I don't blog do you know

that I am just not up to speaking or do you think I am just to busy? I wonder who comes and visits my blog, and who they are, and if they find me entertaining? This morning was a rough morning. My DD woke me up way before wake up time. To tell me that her little brother had hit her. It just went downhill from there. She informs me that I forgot to make her lunch last night. Has a real fit over it. I make it. I feed her, she eats two pieces of toast and cheese and a glass of milk. Then asks for dinosaur porrridge eats that. Steals her brothers goldfish crackers and then asks for another package of porridge and eats that too. Where does the kid put it all. On the other hand the little guy never seems to eat anything for me. Good thing he eats at daycare or he would be even smaller than he is. Daughter is pushing son on his bed, I say don't do that he will hit the headboard. She does it again, I get up off the floor and turn around as you guessed it the third hit nails h...

Depression sucks

Depression sucks it truly does. I have no idea how to pick myself up, dust myself off, and not be depressed. Meds don't work, mind over matter doesn't work, what does? I find more and more people that I know are suffereing from depression as well. Is it because we surround ourselves with negativity? Is it because there is so much stress in the world? Is depression a diagnosis that is just plain easy to give? My niece turned 26 on Saturday. Two years ago she had a go at flesh eating disease. It destroyed her one arm and shoulder, we almost lost her a couple of times on the operating table, and she has severe scars both physical and mental now. She says she can't keep a job because of people discriminating against her arm and the way it looks. WEll wear a long sleeved shirt then. She has lived off of my Mom for going on years. It bugs me. It really does. She gave my kids a hug on Saturday afternoon, and says out of the blue, well this is probably the only chanc...

What kind of weather am I?

This comes via Auntie Cathy on Scrapjazz. I think it suits me very well. You Are Lightning Beautiful yet dangerous People will stop and watch you when you appear Even though you're capable of random violence You are best known for: your power Your dominant state: performing

Questions from Lori

1. In two words, explain what ended your last relationship? cheating asshole 2. When was the last time you shaved your legs? UMMM.....LAST WEEK? 3. What were you doing this morning at 8am? getting kids ready for the day, getting dressed 4. What were you doing 15 minutes ago? getting tea 5. Are you good at maths? I am an accountant 6. Your formal night? Christmas party every year 7. Do you have any famous ancestors? no 8. Have you ever taken out a loan to pay for school? YES 9. Do you know the words to the song on your myspace profile? Whats my space? 10. Last thing received in the mail? a RAK 11. How many different beverages have you drank today? water, tea, orange juice 12. Do you ever leave messages on people's answering machines? always 13. Who did you lose your CONCERT virginity to? John Cougar Mellancamp 14. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach? yes 15. What's the most painful dental procedure you've had? jaw surgery 16. What is out your back...

It is Snowing October 10, 2006

It is snowing, big white fluffy flakes falling straight down. It snowed 45 minutes west of me on September 15. But today it is snowing here now. My little guy has no snow boots. My daughters winter coat is a tad bit small on her when she tried it on today. I have no idea about the snow pants. There are still apples on my apple tree. None of the fall garden work has been done yet. Kids toys are still out on the back yard. I have no snow brush in the van. I don't want snow.

Repetitive Dream

I have been having a dream over and over for a couple of months now. I think the only way to prevent it is to find out how to solve the issue in it. I am in "prison", it doesn't seem like prison but it must be cause I can't get away. No matter how many times I try I just can't leave. I always get hawled back. I end up making a "friend". Or at least I think it is a really good friend. She figures out a way for us to get away. She really figured it out. So once we are out, instead of stealing a normal sized vehicle she steals a semi. A full blown 18 wheeler with a huge container trailer on the back. She drives us away. I feel so good to finally be away from the "prison" but very guilty about stealing the truck. We stop at a convenience store. It is on the crest of a huge hill. My "friend" pulls a little bit over the crest of the hill and parks. We go inside to grab something to eat. It seems this "prison" alway...

Some updates with pics

My daughter got her art project recognized at school assembly. She did a maple leaf and used some cool "technique"s that she has learned in scrapbooking. So here is a picture of it. My little guys foot and the wart that just would not go away. Took 4 visits to the doctor, lots of pain, swelling, and no jumping. It is finally on the mend now. Hope he does not get any more. Water shoes are a definite purchase before we go swimming again. and a couple of halloween costumes for this year.


It's his to lose. Famous last words. Final lap of the race, Junior leading, Jimmie running a hot second and lots of other chase contenders out of the chase for this race. it appears that Jimmie takes Junior out. OH my, what some language can occur. thank heavens for instant play replay. What looks like a deliberate take out turns out to be the third place car taking out the two leaders in one fell swoop. WOOHOO. Jeff Burton still leading for points. Did you hear those BOOO's????????????????????????????

LOST season 3 premiere questions

1) What steven king book was at the book club? Carrie 2) Where was Mrs. Clue 3) DO pine trees really grow in the tropics. Could you all not see that one huge one being decorated for christmas in the middle of their village 4) kid a set up definitely letting Sawyer out and saying run that way? 5) what is going to be so unpleasant for Kate, and why were her arms so marred by the cuffs 6) didn't ben call Juliette something else at the end 7) Jack is defintely a lose cannon WOW 8) Jack and the water total set up, even the part of Henry shutting the door on her 9) food drugged? 10) what year did Downtown come out and be popular Next week looks to be back to the plane people. I thought it rocked that season 2 opened up with Desmond waking up and putting on a record, and season 3 opened with Juliette waking up and putting on a CD Now I like my men with dimples above and below. Here is why

Tonight is all about LOST

LOST Tonight is the third season priemier of LOST. I am so into the show. Over the last month I have rewatched Season 2 on DVD. I am excited.

5 weird things tag from Bluelilo

Weird things about myself I was tag by Lily from Scrapjazz, these are the rules: List 5 weird things about yourself or your pets. Tag 5 friends and list them. Then, those people need to write on their blogs about 5 weird things, and state the rules, and tag 5 more people. 1) I can't stand to have a closet door open, it must be shut. 2) A cats tongue or licking from a cat sends shivers down my spine. 3) I can't stand the way my skin "prunes" when I have been in the water too long. 4)I would rather be naked than dressed. 5)I have trouble saying H. the word Hugh comes out You now the girls I tag: DTC, Laurensmom, Cheyenne, Cassandra, Auntie Cathy

Want to know what I learned last night?

one 3 year old boy one metal flashlight with dead batteries one centrevac hole in the wall ....... know where this is going ........... Well said three year old puts the metal flashlight in the centrevac hole in the wall. It is the perfect size to cause the arc and make pretty blue light. And make said three year olds hand very hot to the touch. And make good enough contact to turn said centrevac on And once Mommy has run like heck to find out what the pretty blue light was, and how the centre vac got turned on and shocked herself pulling said flashlight out That the dead batteries in the flashlight now work. I think that surprised me the most. That the batteries then worked. Little guy has never done anything like that before. Whatever possessed him? His hand hurt for a while, and he cried real tears for about a half hour. I hope he never does something like that again. And this morning he says that his foot hurts again, he would not jump out of the van. It looks okay just kind ...

Medical update

Well after four doctors appointments and treatments, the wart on my little guys foot fell free on three sides last night. I had to cut the fourth side off with nail clippers. Hopefully the root and all is gone. AND he jumped out of the van today for the first time in weeks. It must be feeling better if he is jumping again. He actually went to sleep at a decent time last night too. Even if he did wake me up at 1:30. Daughter was complaining Saturday night of ear pain and hearing loss in one of her ears. She had been diving in swimming lessons earlier and then played outside most of the afternoon. A decongestant and tylenol seemed to help. So today I bought a bottle of swimmers ear for next week. We managed to find skates to fit her and a helmet with a face guard. Last year she fell and got four stitches so this year lessons require a full face guard. Hard to find for a little one. Her lessons start in two weeks. For a couple weeks they overlap with swimming. Those will not...

Tony Wins Kansas

Quite a win too. Coasting over the finish line with no gas. Would it have been the gamble he would have taken if he was still in the chase? Don't know but it was awesome. My friend DTC was in the stands in Kansas watching the race. I can't wait to talk to her and find out what it was like in person. I would one day like to actually attend a Nascar race in person. I have been to tons of NHRA events, when my husband and friends competed in the super gas category. So I am not new to the racing arena. But the thought of all those people kinda gets to me. SOmething like Tony's claustropobia. AHHHHHH. Anyway the race was great.


It boggles my mind. It can be snowy, cold and rainy, or absolutely beautiful. I took the vette out yesterday. It was so nice to just enjoy and drive it. Won't be too many days left to do that. Today it is rainy and yucky. October, October, how on earth can it be October, that means there is only one quarter of the year left and it will be 2007. My goodness time passes fast. WOW.