
Showing posts from September, 2006

Tag from Desert Dwellers

A) Four jobs I have had in my life: In order of importance: Outside the home accountant, waitress, green house worker, telephone solicitor Inside the home: wife, mother, accountant, cleaner B) Four movies I could watch again: Con-air, Thelma and Louise, Pure Country, Cars C) Four places I have lived:Red Deer, Caroline, Edmonton, Benalto D) Four TV shows I like to watch:LOST, Cold Case, Law & Order SVU, Survivor E) Four places I have holidayed: California, Caribbean, Arizona, Colorado F) Four regular websites I visit:Google, Scrapjazz, Nascar, Government of Canada G) Four of my favourite foods:Beef Jerky, Doritos, taco salad, BBQ ribs H) Four places I would rather be right now:Kansas Speedway, Arizona, Louisiana, Australia I) Four friends I think will respond: Lori, Jes, DTC, AshleyS

Decisions, decisions, decisions

Do you hate making decisions. How do you decide? DO you toss a coin? Do you weigh the pros and and cons? DO you go with your gut instinct? Do you base it on how it will affect others? How to decide? I am not talking about little things, like Ice Tea or Coke. I am referring to the big huge life altering decisions.

Fall Days

It is fall here. Not the cold rainy fall from the last two weeks, but the warm enjoy yourself before winter hits kind of fall. The leaves are yellow, the grasses are turning color, the harvest is almost in. The kind of day you wish you were out driving the vette and not stuck at work. I hope to go out cruising on Sunday. I have a friend from Nebraska that happens to be in Kansas this weekend for the NASCAR race. I hope she has a wonderful time and manages to get some great pics of Tony Stewart and the #20 Home Depot car for me. I hope Canada broadcasts the race this week, they didn't last week and my pick for the cup actually won the race. Talk about bad timing. Have a great weekend.

One Proud Mommy today!

Last night looking through my daughters agenda I have an invite to todays school assembly. Says my daughters artwork is being recognized. I am so proud of her. I went (of course) and she stood up at the front of that room in front of all 5 grades and the parents that went and was grinning from ear to ear. She did a falling leaf with tissue paper on it to mimic more falling leafs. She then wetted it down to get a cool effect. (her words). Now it is on display in front of the principals office for the whole next month. Considering she just started at this school August 31 she was so composed at the assembly and presentation. First one she had ever seen or been part of. Son today used words to display his displeasure at having to go to daycare. This is a huge improvement over the kicking, screaming, and fighting I have had all week. I was so proud of him using words to express his emotions. At just turned 3 it is hard for him to do. So today I am a happy proud Mommy.

September 17, 1996

I am merrily going on my way to work one morning. I am stopped at a red light. The light changes to green. The car infront of me proceeds through the intersection and I follow. WRONG MOVE. An idiot that was driving runs the red light, and totals my sidekick. I am injured in the crash. I have months of pysio and massage and recuperation. EXCEPT. I never get better. I never get over the pain. It just keeps on in my life. I am eventually diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. A very controversial thing to have happen. So I live my life in chronic pain, and disability and the guy that hit me got to walk away with a $35 dollar ticket for undue attention while driving. Well it is over 10 years later now . The case is still unresolved and I have about had it with my life. I hate being in pain all the time, I hate it. I absolutely utterly hate the restrictions it places on me. I hate everything around me because of all the rage inside me. And guess what no one cares. They all say, it is due to the pain....

Just wanna cry

Thats all I wanna do.

Ironic but not funny

For those of you that asked, September in Alberta is when days start getting significantly shorter, we lose our exposure to the sunlight. It does not help that it has been rainy and overcast for the last two weeks. Doctors all think that the lack of sun is what triggers the sleep terrors in my daughter. Also using the sunshine lamps and exposing her to them has not ever helped in the past but we still do it. School pics for grade one were yesterday. My daughter was facinated with the "light up umbrellas" can we get one of them so that my pictures are better Mommy? I asked him lots of questions about his camera mommy. He answered them, and told me I was a princess. He didn't tell any of the other girls this. I had to smile at this. The kids had a really good night last night, and we had a good morning today. Mommy is still tired though. With the night terrors occuring, I am kind of in bed scared to go to sleep. So even though she had a good night, I was kind ...

I don't know what to do

I really don't. My daughter sleep terrors are back. I don't know why, but every middle of September they come back. She wakes up screaming her head off, obviously still asleep. Or she sleep walks, while screaming. It is interrupting her needed sleep, which makes her grumpy the rest of the time. SInce my son has decided that he doesn't like going to sleep anymore. By the time daughter starts her screaming he is still awake. He gets scared and starts crying. Then the two of them just kind of feed off each other, and drain Mommy. I just do not know what to do. Since son is not getting needed sleep, he is miserable the next morning too. Since my hubby is out of town all the time, it is just me trying to survive this. argggg. I just do no know what to do. This will now go on till next May or June. I was so hoping she outgrew it. I was hoping. Obviously not.

Past Blog updates

I got a phone call from the skating club where my daughter wanted to do skating lessons. They got a new coach so she is in. I went and registered her and paid this morning. They do not start till Oct 14, so I have time to get skates, helmet, and face guard. They overlap her swim lessons by two weeks but I will figure something out. Afterall I gotta be supermom. DH came home unexpectedly last night. Talk about upsetting routines. argggg. I went to buy pizza at little ceasears, hot and ready for 5 bucks. Well I walk in the girl tells me they are out of cheese and BOXES and that the manager is away, and they can't order more themselves. HELLO. that the heck are you even doing open then. Just don't get it. My pain in my back has not lessoned any. It hurts so friggen bad, I cry at night from it, and have a hard time even sitting on a toilet it hurts so bad. Headaches are no good either. so severe. It is definitely fall here, last Friday it snowed about 8 inches about 4...

Stolen from Desert Dwellers

1. What is your current pet peeve? people not making their own decisions. I am tired of WWYD. 2. Would you rather be annoyed or bored? Bored - it never happens as there is always too much to do. 3. When did you last drink champagne?No clue, not a common occurance in my life. 4. Who sleeps in your bed?Me 5. What TV hunk can come knock at your door? Josh Holloway of LOST 6. Do you wear perfume? No 7.If you wrote a book what type would it be?Historical Romance from the Caribean and pirates 8. When did you last go to the dentist? I got my postcard last week, so 6 months ago 9.Ooops, you've just had boy/girl twins- Thank heavens this is not possible 10.How do you get your news- TV/Internet/paper? late night TV news. 11.Do you believe the story that Naomi Robson was going to save a boy from cannibals?huh??? 12. If you could go back in history where do you want to visit? Carribean in the time of the pirates 13.I am having a fancy dress party. What are you dressed as? Me dress for a part...

Labour Shortages

Alberta has a booming economy. Employers are pretty much held hostage to employees. And who suffers the customer cause there is no service. 1) Tim Hortons used to be 24 hour. Now it is closed from ten at night until 5 in the morning. 2) Wendy's has closed the walkin and "dining" areas, only the drive through is manned. 3) Signs up on Walmart doors. Starting next week they are opening an hour later in the morning and closing 2 hours earlier every day. (This going into the Christmas Season) 4) To get qualified employees my company had to hire US people. IT is just nuts. How on earth in the middle of all this can my darling niece not be employed. But is living off of my Mom. It just burns. I think the simple solution to all this, is get rid of the Sunday openings, and the late hours during the week. Go back to closing at 6 every day except Thursday. Give your employees time to be with their families and have time off. Give the owners of the businesses time to reju...

Grade One Know it all

Am I the only parent of a grade one student that thinks they know it all? Is this something that is taught during second period? Son's foot looks terrible and still hurts him, he will not even jump off the bottom step or out of the van right now. And he loves jumping. Both kids slept through the night. My back is hurting so bad, my lower, my middle, my neck and shoulders hurt so bad. I cryed last night. Hot shower did not help. I had a rough time sleeping due to the pain. It sucks bad.

Sunday Morning

And I am in at work. That sucks. But with having last week off I needed to come in. I want to get home before the Nascar Race is over though. Got my priorities. I actually got to scrap last night. All in all a good Saturday. Now if the pain would go away.

Happy Birthday Honey

I love just as much today as I did all those years ago. I met him when I was 13, he saved the day and made me safe. (he doesn't remember) He met me when I was 16, I made an impression on him (I don't remember) We met again at 17 and became friends. We were friends for years. Before anything "love" related happened. Being friends first, and then lovers, is a sure way to form a lasting long standing relationship. You may be older, and I may be younger but I treasure you all the time. Through sickness, and health, good times and bad, for better for worse, you get the drift you have been there for me. I love ya honey. Happy Birthday.

Travis you have been in our thoughts lately:

Alexis misses you.

A wonderful lady

turns 87 years old today. Her name is Lilly. She accepted me into her family like a daughter she never had. She raised a son that means the world to me. She loves her grand children so much. She was 80 when her first grandchild was born. In the 20 some years I have known her I have never heard a negative thing come out of her mouth. She means the world to me and I want to shout from the rooftops. Happy Birthday Lilly! I hope you are around for many more, in the great shape that you are in today.

War in Afganistan

There is a war being waged. Our Canadian boys and girls are in it. This is an awesome tribute to them.

Oscar's Erotic Name

Thanks Blue for the link.

My erotic name funny


Emotional times

I do not know why I get so emotional. It just bugs me to hell and back that I am not good at controlling my emotions. Being such a control person as I am, you would think that I could. I took son to walk-in medical clinic yesterday afternoon. Left work early to do it. Got there at 4:15 put my name on the list and was told 45 minutes. So we left and went and picked up daughter at school. Then back to the clinic. Sat in the parking lot in the van watching DVD's for another 15 minutes. Went in and still 5 people ahead of us. So back to the van. Went back in and got into a room about 10 minutes later. Then the wait in the examining room was long. By now it is almost 6 the kids are hungry, tired, rambunctious and making me miserable. Doctor finally came in looked at son's foot and said he did not know what it was. Took an alchohol swab and cleaned off his foot. Then ran his finger over it and said since it was rough was probably a plantars wart. He left the room to g...

back into the grind

after having two weeks off in July and then last week off, I am back into the grind and trying to get a routine going. Daughter started school grade one back on August 31. But last week she was picked up a couple days, there was a holiday in there, she took the school bus home a few days. Not exactly a routine. Same with son in daycare. hit and miss with it. So this week is back on a routine. Or so I would like to hope. Daughter catches the bus at 8:16, I walk back in the house, lock the door, and take son to daycare, and drive to work. Should go off without a hitch, but it just doesn't seem to. Evenings I have to pick daughter up from after school care and then son from daycare and home. Cook a meal, check out daughters backpack, make a lunch for the two of us for the next day, showers, bed time story and bed. How on earth can that be so exhausting? Son has said that his foot hurts recently. He has a real bump on it. Doesn't look like a wart but I do not know. I have to take h...

Thoughts on the five year anniversary

of a terrible terrorist act. Today five years later, it is not so much about the people that lost their lives that horrible day. For me anyway. I think my heart goes out more to the mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, husbands, wives, and especially to the sons and daughters and the ones that had not even entered the world yet on September 11, 2001. My thoughts are with them today. The ones that have had to go on in the world missing that very important person in their lives. Having that huge hole in their lives that was left when their loved one passed. The inner strength that they have had to summon, when they did not even know that they had it. It is with them that my thoughts are with on today the fifth anniversary.

Wonderful Week

On Saturday I went down to Calgary and due to a map a guy I work with drew, I managed to get within two parking spots of the front of the hotel where my friends from Australia were staying. Can't get much better than that. We had a wonderful hot afternoon at the Calgary Zoo and then home. Hubby BBQ'd an excellent supper and we sat out on the deck and enjoyed the evening. SUnday it was off to Drumheller and the museum. Daughter was the leader and Jenni and I followed. IT was awesome, it is a place I am enthralled with myself and even better to see it through the eyes of someone new. Daughter did an excellent job as tour guide. Then Monday a holiday here, a slower relaxing day. Took Jenni to Micheals and Scrapbookers Paradise. Got to show her what was available here. And to one of our special parks downtown. Today the kids in school and daycare. Jenni came in and gave a talk to nine 3 year olds. Totally impressed them with the booming of the kangaroos. So cute to w...

So Ready For:

1) My daughter so ready for school to start, she had a fantastic day yesterday 2) So ready for the long weekend to be here 3) so Ready for a week off of work 4) So ready for my friends to get here from Calgary that came from Australia 5) So ready to laugh and cry with a friend 6) So ready to turn my life into my own and take control 7) So ready to get into Nascar and the chase for the race 8) So ready for summer to stay and for winter not to come 9) So ready to go out for a business lunch and take my time in eating 10) So ready to have some me time