Things I learned this week:

It has been a tough week for me, I have been "slapped" in the face so to speak by too many people this week. So here are some things I learned:

1) that cancer is not picky in who it chooses and who it takes, it is a killer
2) that not to trust is the best way
3) that if you do not try you will not succeed
4) even if you do try you may not succeed
5) that trying can be fun
6) that losing is not fun
7) people that you thought were your friends may not view themselves that way
8) I still HATE bored people (how can you be bored when there is so much that needs done)
9) I admire the people serving our country and other countries so much (I already new that)
10) that silly season in Nascar is in full swing and that sucks
11) that business has taken the enjoyment out of most games
12) that an apology made in earnest can be thrown back in your face
13) not to park on a drain in the middle of torental downpour
14) that I still am terrified of severe weather
15) that sometimes I almost think my Mom loves me
16) that my thick shell I hold around myself comes in handy
17) do not believe the line "the cheque is in the mail" (I think I knew that too)
18) if you get and air mattress and tell the kids not to jump on it they will
19) that people think I am low-brow, raunchy, and in poor taste
20) that people I thought were friends aren't
21) no matter how hard it is to pick up the phone and dial, it feels good during and after

Those are things I learned this week. Now I would like to tag beth, nancy, cheyenne, and kim.


Lori Petticrew said…
hugs to you and i know you did not tag me! but i will take the challenge.
Kristin K Stock said…
Big hugs for Oscar. I learned that Kansas is hot as hell :) I am glad to be back on be on here.
Nancyroo said…
((Hugs)). I did this- it's kind of lame though.
Broken Beth said…
I agree with 5 and 6 and thanks for the tag

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