Sleepy Mommy today

My little man that usually sleeps so well, decided last night that he was scared of the ghosts in the house. Not quite sure where this came from. Oh yeah right, that would have come from his six year old sister. arggg. He would not sleep in his room, he tosses and turns so much my room was out, tried the living room, that didn't work either, finally put himin his sisters room. There is justice in this world. But for a little one that usually sleeps 11 - 12 hours his five hours or less made for one grumpy little boy this morning.

I went to a fibromylagia/arthritis support meeting last night. A quest speaker was there about yoga. I have always been interested in yoga so thought I would go and hear her out. 3/4 of the entire talk was about her resume, not about the actual yoga or restorative yoga. So that was a real let down. We did a couple of different breathing things and boy do I breathe shallow. Big breaths hurt too much. Would I join, maybe but not her class. I need to check out more yoga, and tai chi and tae kwon do and see what my daughter and I could do together.

Superrun is coming to Red Deer. This weekend, every three years it hits Red Deer. 6 years ago daughter was two weeks old so I went, three years ago son was a couple of days old so did not go, this year with no baby I am looking forward to it. And the forcast is RAIN. Haven't had rain much in months and now the one weekend we can't have it, the rain is coming. arggg. I have already seen some awesome cars in town with out of province plates. I am so excited. Even though my car is too new to register for the actual event, I can go to the thusday and friday night cruisins downtown. Hubby came back into town last night and cleaned my car. I was very happy with him. There are expected to be around 750-850 cars of the pre 1975 era hit town plus of course everyone in there guord will bring out there toys too. Please please don't severe weather on them.


Cassandra said…
Let me know if you try the Yoga-- the pain mgmnt dr recommended it at the Arthritis clinic I go to-- but ironically I haven't felt like going yet.....

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