
Showing posts from November, 2017
We have a beautiful park in the center of downtown. Back in 2015 on a nice warm night we grabbed some awesome photos of it all lit up. Connie Prince #2017 December

Hair loss

I have struggled with my hair ever since the cardiac arrests. I lose it in great strands constantly. Not in clumps, not in patches, it always grows back but it seems I'm always losing it. It's everywhere. Gets in everything. I can't wash it without having to clean my fingers several times. Brushing it was strands everywhere. At first I was told it was the death, that the growing cycle is restarted after death, but it just keeps falling out. It could very well be GI issues, or the meds I take. I do know it's worse the longer it is, or maybe it just seems that way since it's more noticeable. I do know that getting my hair cut shorter seems to make it less noticeable.


I have always said that after I was resuscitated following the cardiac arrests and coming out of coma that I felt something was missing. Nothing was real, nothing was the way I thought it should be, I felt lost. I felt I lost myself.  It's something I hear over and over in a variety of heart groups from other survivors, I hear about by reading research papers, and media stories. No one is quite sure what is different but almost everyone says they feel different. Or they lie to themselves to say they are still the same.  I realized tonight while watching a documentary about Voyager 1 travelling through space that I lost my passion.  The definition of passion is:  a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something. Here are these scientists 30 years later still so excited and passionate about the discoveries they made. Still forging ahead and so excited about new areas. They are so passionate about what they are doing. I don't have...