
Showing posts from January, 2009

Proud Mommy Day

DD was chosen as one of four narrators for her school assembly today. That means she is considered well spoken, reads well, and can stand under pressure. She has practiced and was nervous but so excited about it. She didn't want to practice in front of me though. Tuesday night when I had parent teachers with my DS, she practiced in front of his Kindergarten class. She was awesome the teacher said. So today at assembly she was nervous. You could see her bunching her dress up with her fingers and rolling her eyes. But when all eyes were on her and she stepped in front of the microphone she was calm, poised and so well done. She made me have a tear in my eye for a proud Mommy moment. There were only three narrators. I wondered about it. One child was sick and didn't come in. So DD was chosen at very short notice to do her part and the other childs part. She handled it so well. She also won an art award today too. She was front and center at most of the assembly. Wi...

Guest Design Team Member at Scraptivity

I am so excited. I have been picked as a Guest Design Team Member for February at Scraptivity. Come on over and check it out I also want to mention that they are starting a scrap contest that you may be interested in. Rules for So You Think You Can Scrap contest: - The rules for your projects are simple – use the dance style which is posted for each challenge as inspiration for your project. You can take anything as your inspiration - from colours you’d associate with the dance style, a feeling of movement, or you can even create a project directly relating to the dance (about the dance, or using images of the dance, etc)… it’s all very open to interpretation! With each challenge, you’ll receive instructions on what type of project needs to be created. - There will be 8 challenges. Each one must be completed on time and the deadline will be posted when the details for each challenge are posted. Most challenges will run for 10 days, with the ex...

A wild weekend:

Friday morning DS wakes up. He starts to say something and then stops, then starts again and stops again. Then says "thats not right" with the highest squeakiest voice I have ever heard. I checked him and he had a fever of 39.6 C. So I gave him some tylenol and tucked him beside me in the lazy boy and we stayed there for the day. Him with the fever and no voice and me with a sinus cold and runny noise and cough. What a pair of sickos. We stayed that way for the rest of the weekend. DD had her first ever sleepover camp. It was for Brownies at Camp Kuriakos. She spent all day Saturday, Saturday night, and most of Sunday morning there. The weather was too cold for them to do anything outside. She was so excited and had so much fun being there. Having her join Brownies was a wonderful decision. DH picked up the new Indyana Jones movie. So Sunday I cuddled up and watched it. I was totally into it, until the alien thing kicked in, what a way to ruin a movie. I rea...

Happy Anniversary

DH and I decided back on January 23, 1988 that we would date exclusively. As big of a committment as was ever made. We were so young and in love. We had the world by the tale, and had such high expectations of life.

Janice you will be missed:

I logged onto scrapjazz during my coffee break. The first thread I see is that Janice Nielson has passed away. Her daughter had logged on to update everyone. Janice was sweet, and kind, and positive. I never heard negative things from her. We often talked as she was originally from Alberta, and we talked about the reserves and our native population. She had planned to go to Texas last year then ended up cancelling due to finances. I had so wanted to meet her. She posted comments in the gallery all the time. Her post count was tremendous. She offered advice, and comments and was fun to see. My prayers and thoughts go out to her family at this time.

Weekly Wednesdays

My Mom is doing great. They couldn't find any polyps to remove yesterday, so no testing for cancer. Doctor could detect a pressure from the outside to the inside of the colon though. So is ordering a cat scan to try and figure out what it is. Possibility of it being scar adhesions from her appendix removal back in March. The bankruptcy sale yesterday was heartbreaking. Not the sale itself, but the loss of the hopes and dreams the family once held. The anger those kids are trying to deal with against their late father, and feeling guilty about it. I cried last night, really cried. DD seems to be feeling better. She goes to see the dentist today. DS had a great drop off at kindergarten this morning. I have to attend a kindergarten meeting tonight. LOST comes on tonight. For three hours. Not a chance I will get to watch it, but will try. It is being recorded so I can watch on the weekend. I will just have to avoid spoilers on it.

Sad today

My Mom is having surgery today. They are doing a colonscopy and removing polyps, then they need to be tested to see if cancerous. It is a big deal for her, as she has heart issues, and is on blood thinners. Today is the day of our late friends, bankruptcy sale. It is so sad for the family that he left behind to be forced into the circumstances they were. I have such fond memories of going around the US with him drag racing, being in the pits, travelling, etc. Now it is just plain sad. DD came down with the head cold and cough that is going around. She is so worried she will not be able to attend her Brownie camp this weekend. Poor kid.

Don't ask a question unless you want an answer

and even then you may not get it. Mom has her surgery tomorrow, she is all hyped about it. So she had done up a will, living will, and power of attorny, and had me, my sister and two witnesses come over Friday night to sign things. Well after the witnesses left I asked mom a question. Who is my Dad? My sister was still there. Why did we live the way we did? Why didn't you step in and protect me from the abuse? My sister had a number of questions too. We told mom often and frequently that we loved her and that we just wanted answers. Her reply to most everything was well that is over and done with there is nothing she can do about it now. I just want answers, that is all. I have to come to terms that answers will never happen.

Not as bad as I thought

The tooth only had a loose filling that was jagged and cutting my cheek and tongue up. So she just replaced it. I was in and out in less than an hour. My dentist is a saint to put up with my panic attacks, and anxiety. She really is.

EEEKKKK the dentist

I have a back molar that is starting to fall apart. I made an appointment a couple weeks ago before it started hurting. I dislike dentists (sorry Nancy), but I do. I have had too many poor experiences with them, and my teeth are crap as well. No matter the work into them they still just fall apart. So I am off to the dentist.

Lovely blog award

My friend Jenny from New Zealand, previously from South Africa (I love world people), gave me a lovely blog award. Now it is my turn to pass it on to at least seven other people. I choose: Lesle, Lesfitz, Paula, Cass, Kristen, Denise, Jes. Now friends, this is what you have to do: 1. Add the logo to your blog.2. Link to the person from whom you received this award.3. Nominate 7 or more blogs.4. Leave a message on their blog, letting them know they have “One Lovely Blog”!

I am freaking freezing.

I want to go away on a tropical holiday, I want a fire place, I want to be warm. I wore a warm sweater and vest today and jeans and am still freezing. I think it is as cold inside as it is outside. arrrrggggg. It is -18 C or 0 F right now. This morning it was -27c with a -35 windchill. Here I sit bitching as my DH is outside working in it. Lets not tell him. LOL

Frick Frackin Winter

I really deeply totally hate it with a passion. And hate is not something I use lightly. The cold, the dampness, the snow, the ice, I hate it. Why do we have to exist in a place like this. When there are places where right now people are on a nice sandy beach playing in the water. WHY?

Idiotic things I do

Yesterday it snowed most of the day. Gets darker early here too. I put on my coat and boots, and then a co-worker starts talking to me. I am in a rush to go grab the kids. I run out back, hit my unlock button on my keyring grab the door handle of the vand and go to open it. My hand came away, (bending back all my nails) and the door did not open. I try using the unlock button again, once again it doesn't unlock the door. Then I notice, that the color of the van seems off even in the dark. I was at the wrong van, in the wrong parking area. I was parked out front, not out back. Idiotic thing I did.

Good news

My little guy, grew 3/4 of an inch from February 2008 till December 2008, and gained a pound. It makes me so happy to see him growing. I went through his P.J.'s on Sunday night and was able to get rid of all the size 2's. Yes you read that right he has been wearing size 2's, now he isn't. WOOHOO. His pediatrician does not want to see him again until closer to his 6th birthday. As long as he doesn't lose any weight before then. I had to break down and make an appointment with my dentist, I have a tooth falling apart. eeeekkkkkkk I am actually going to a scrapbooking crop on Saturday night, wooohoooo to that.

ACcckkk it is over

Tomorrow is back to work, school and daycare. The backpacks are packed. Lunches in the fridge. I think I have done at least ten loads laundry and put even more away. Hi to all of those that have dropped by and left comments. It was great to see them. My two weeks off of work have been thouroughly enjoyed by both me and the kids. I am not ready to go back to work.