
Showing posts from October, 2008




My 5 year old DS is scared of halloween. He is a kid that really needs the routine, and the sameness in his life. Halloween just has so many changes going on, that he freaks. Last night at a Halloween Party, he had the most major meltdown. Try to explain to a room full of condescending parents why a five year old is acting like that. One time his being way small came in handy, some of them thought he was younger than 5 and were more understanding. There were no scary or frightening costumes, no weapons. It wasn't fair to my DD to make her leave because of him, it wasn't fair to him to make him stay. Some days I need more of me than there are. We ended up playing with balloons at the other end of the room, and hearing every five minutes, is it done yet, can I go home now. He didn't eat snack in the afternoon, he didn't eat supper before the party, he only drank the juice at the party, never touched the treats. Would not eat breakfast this morning. Today is go...

A laugh for the day

What do you get when you take a smart car and cross it with a vette? A SMORVETTE

My DS really shocked me last night

We are sitting reading a book together. He wants a hug and says to me : Mommy will I ever get to go back to that place babies come from? I am what place? he says you know the place I am no I don't tell me about it he says The place where it is dark, the place where it is really warm, the place where it is noisy. I say no I don't know that place and then he says it is really wet and dark there mommy, but it felt so good. You know mommy the place babies come from. Is it possible? could he really remember the womb? It shocked me so much. I told him he wouldn't be able to go back to that place, and he was really sad. He did say he had felt really good there. Imagination or recall?

Cannot get better than this:::::

Now it actually could be better if: It was a ZR1 If Tony came with it and If it was mine.

Mindful Monday

Saturday I went to a 12 hour crop at my local scrapbook store. I really enjoyed getting out and doing some creative stuff. I snuck away to go to a girlfriends wedding. It was beautiful. She deserves so much happiness, and she just glowed. I wish her all the best in years to come. DD attended with me. It was her first wedding. SHe was awestruck by the beauty and romance of it all. Now should a 8 year old think about romance? Sunday was a nice quiet day. DD went to a friends house and played for the afternoon, DS and I videogamed together. Today is back at work, back to daycare, back to school.

Thoughtful Thursday

- Canada had a federal election on Tuesday. A colassal waste of money and time. Our political system really needs revamped. We do not get a vote for a leader, we only get a vote for our local representative. And then whoever is the head of that party that gets the most representatives becomes our prime minister. And people can stay in office for as long as they are voted in. No 8 year rules here. So we need a reform done on our system. It does not work the way it currently is. - Tory blue, sweeps Alberta election after election after election. Just cause. However, an NDP candidate managed to unseat an 11 year veteran Tory MP in Edmonton. IT CAN BE DONE. I love it. Arragance does not become Rahim Jaffer. He will not conceed defeat. - Things kids say. Talking at the pediatricians yesterday, about all that is wrong with DS. He pipes up, "I am cold because Mommy doesn't dress me warm enough." I felt about two inches tall. Then I laughed. Today he is wearin...

Back to the pediatrician today:

Keep in mind in Canada you do not just "have" a pediatrician for your kids. They have to be sick enough to be referred to one. This particular one Dr. M, has seen DS before for weight loss and hearing issues and did his circumcisn too. So after answering two hours worth of questions, and questionairres, and explaining things, I have another referral to the dietician, one to an allergist, and one to a behavior specialist. And a followup appointment in a month. DS has grown one inch since February. he is now 43 inches, he would be totally legal at Disney now. He is 35 pounds. Has asthma. Nothing really I didn't know before. Dr. M disagrees with Dr. E that he is not iron deficient. That I should finish the bottle of iron supplements and not give him any more. He does need supplemenation of vitamin D though. I asked and asked again that somehow all these individual things be pulled together so that all are treated and not everything treated individually. I have a r...

Some pics

I spent the weekend home in bed sick. I went home friday and stayed in bed all weekend. For Thanksgiving I shipped my DH , Mom, and the two kids out to the farm to share Thanksgiving with my MIL. I still have a bad cough today and runny nose. I hate being sick.

More Fall Fun:


Fall fun


Rest in Peace Henrei....

DD pet hampster was found dead this morning in his cage. She is very sad and very upset. We got Henrie at the beginning of September 2007. He was a very curious little hampster, often escaping his cage. He could be handled and petted and played with, he seldom bit, and was her friend.

Just some Friday Fluff

My mind needs a break from all that is going on: Lori from down in LA tagged me way back when: Although she did call me the OLD grouch. Bad Lori. I enjoy reading the following blogs: Jenny in New Zealand, I love seeing her scenic shots and hearing of other countries. Cheyenne in PA - a racing bug I met on line, hopefully one day to meet in real life Leslie in Italy - I so want to go visit her, I would run away in a minute and do it. And Paula in AUstralia. I love seeing her blog from another countries perspective.

Mean Mom

DD defied me yesterday morning, I gave her a punishment. No TV or DVD until Friday. I thought the evening would be difficult but it actually went very well. She surprised me. Her second Brownie meeting is tonight, she is wanting to learn more about badges, and is figuring out how to get lots. LOL. Ambitious little thing. I told her if she learned things and had fun, I didn't mind her getting lots, but if she did them for the sake of getting lots, that that was wrong.

Doctors, doctors, and more medical stuff

Yesterday started off with an appointment with the local child phyciatrist. DS had issues separating from me, then was a wonderful little boy that he can be. Engaging, happy, structured, and intelligent. Ultimately Dr. L told me this: No signs of autism, or any other diagnosable issues that would require aids, help, etc. She said this was a good and bad thing. As it means that although there is nothing wrong that really needs an aid, that because he does have transition issues it will be very hard to get him to adjust to changes. She thought he was an adorable, smart, little guy. She did say that he did have a very competitive streak in him. If she came close to winning we would get very tense and stressed. She isn't used to seeing a child that young with that intense of a competitive streak. She talked to him about it. Empasising that it is the fun nature of playing that is more important than the win. That the time to enjoy is the game itself and not the end result. Over...