
Showing posts from September, 2008

My Son:

September has been quite a month for him. He quits going to the daycare he has attended for years. Says goodbye to his friends and favorite teacher T. Starts Kindergarten at school. Get to go on the school bus, (huge for him), goes with his big sister (huge for him). He acts out at Kindergarten the first two days. A couple refusals to do what he is supposed to do. One time out. A couple of temper tantrums. His teacher calls me on the Friday afternoon and tells me I need to keep him home for another year and let him mature, or to keep him at home until after his appointment tomorrow. She later calls me sunday night and says if I do decide to send him back, she will do her best. Well I had already changed plans. I had to fire the girl I had hired to watch him part time, I had to cancel after school care. I got him back into daycare. Into the private kindergarten that is run through daycare. This was a huge crush to his self confidence and abilities. Not to be able to go with ...

We have a kelpie in the house

DD had a great time at brownies last night, she is in the kelpies. She is a little disappointed in not being a fairy. arrrggg, kids. SHe liked it, is not the biggest kid even though she is the oldest. So that is good. Found out about some totally inappropriate behavior of DS at K today. Makes me sick to my stomach. I really am overwhelmed, I do not know how much more I can bear. DH had bought tickets to Alice Cooper and the concert is tonight, I just plain do not want to go. Tomorrow is my work golf event and BBQ, I do not want to do that either, but feel I must. Tomorrow is also kids gymnastics. Overwhelmed, I really really just want the world to all go away. I keep thinking of the Eagles song You are Not Alone, but man I do feel it. I really do.

Brownies starting tonight

DD is so excited that Brownies starts tonight. So excited. SHe got all her uniform together last night, and read the book AGAIN. I asked her what she was excited the most about and she said that there would be no boys. LOL 7 Random things about me: 1) I cannot stand the sight or taste of jello, looking at it gives me the jeebies 2) I just do not get sarcasm, goes right over my head. 3) I probably watch too much TV 4) I am thinking about sky diving and I am terrified of falling at the best of times 5) I enjoy photography, but suck at it 6) I am an introvert not an extrovert 7) I love popcorn

Whale of a tale, landed the white whale of all time.

I get to daycare last night to pick DS up. The manager pulls me aside, I need to talk to you. So we go in the office. Apparently my little boy, in the middle of circle time raised his hand and said he needed to say something. So he proceeds to tell the kindergarten teacher, the other nine students that his Daddy had died, and that there were only three in his family. OMG. Is that a cry out that Daddy has worked far too much this summer. We are used to him being away weekly, but he has worked all but three weekends since June I think. We just have not seen him. It is taking a much bigger toll on DS than I had realized. I asked him later why he said that? He says it was easier than telling the truth. Easier than what truth? That Daddy isn't here. I cried for him. He is struggling so hard. I called DH and told him. His response was that he had been asked to work this weekend too. AAARRRGGGGG. I asked him to say sorry to the teacher this morning for lieing. He said h...


My wonderful MIL turned 89 on the 14th and DH turned 51 on the 15th. We went out to the farm and spent the day with Lilly. She is a fantastic lady. (Excuse the focus on the first one, my Mom didn't let the camera focus first).

Where is Waldo?

Or should I say where is Maple and Whipping Cream? I am awoken early in the morning, with the crys of Mommy, Mommy, come see. And this is what I found. Can you find the bunnies amongst the Webkinz?

One girl bunny and one boy bunny

Make for some interesting sex ed opportunities. They really do. So my girl bunny needs to get fixed. Apparently girl bunnies are prone to uterine cancer so she will have the full hysterectomy. Whipping Cream is the boy at 800 grams Maple the girl is at 710. Both are in great shape the vet says. Lots of good quality hay. ANyway my 8 year old has been told that if they were one of each we would have to get one fixed. Explanations were given using correct terminology and everything. Great opportunity to explain things. Anyway she asks me what girl parts are fixed to prevent babies, I tell her. She then asks me what boy parts. I tell her the testicles. She thinks about it and then says that is where the fertilizer is. I killed myself laughing, fertilizer . I also found out yesterday how the kids picked the names at camp for the bunnys. The mothers name was Waffles. There were five babies. What do you put on waffles? Well apparently you put on waffles "Blackberry" ...

Finally the answer to the unknown issue:

DS had his annual doctors appointment on Friday. I told my doctor about the issue with kindergarten and this is what I found out. Kids in Alberta cannot be kicked out of kindergarten. It is the schools job to provide adequate assistance to them to make them succeed. They can after a trial period of not less than 6 weeks, say that they cannot have the child in their program, but they have to find an alternative program for the child. They just cannot say "he can't come again." He is currently at the 30th percentile for weight and just under 50th for height. We went for x-rays on sinuses and adnoids, to the lab for blood work, and are doing a sleep thing on the 3rd. And we are increasing his asthma meds. Gymnastics was on Saturday. DD hurt her chest doing something, probably pulled a muscles on her sternum. DS did not want to leave at all. Yesterday we went to the farm for mil 89th birthday. A gorgeous day. The kids could ride bikes, drive the jeep, and just run and ...

The K sage continues

The principal of the elementary school calls me. I spend 3/4 hour on phone with her. She is apologizing that the K teacher asked DS to leave after two days. She is saying that he just wasn't given a fair chance. What person can totally transition within two days? She can now offer some things. a temporary education assistant to be assigned to DS while in kindergarten until his doctors appointment at the end of the month a entry position in pre - k, but the one at the school is full, but there is an opening at one across the city again she apologizes saying the K teacher should not have asked him to leave I tell her the upheaval it caused, I had to terminate my part time care, the school bus, that DS was heartbroken he could not go to school, that DD was upset about it as well, She then tells me that I am much nicer than she would have thought given the circumstances. arrrrgggggggg Apparently she looked into it because when I went to the office Monday to withdraw DS, the recep...

Good and Tired

Good and tired Being tired from doing something feels a whole lot better than being tired of doing nothing. If you're going to be tired at the end of each day, then make it really count for something. If you're weary, perhaps it's not because you're doing too much. Perhaps it's because you're not at all invested in what you're doing. A difficult challenge that's aligned with your purpose will generate far more energy in you than an easy task that has no real meaning for you. You can accomplish much more when what you're accomplishing is what you care about. When your body is tired, a good night's sleep will revive you. When your spirit is weary, you'll need something more. You have a unique voice and a unique purpose that are longing to be expressed. Start living that expression and you'll find an endless source of energy flowing through your life. Get yourself good and tired with focused, disciplined work on a purpose that connects with ...


I had asked DS why he didn't like circle time at K, he told me it was because HE wasn't doing anything. "Mom, it is boring, I don't get to do anything". I explained to him that he was doing something if he was learning and listening. I am not sure if he understood that. He did yesterday's worksheet with the other kids in the ECS room, and then asked for more stuff. So he did all the worksheets they had done last week. He is all caught up. He did sit and participate in circle. I asked him last night what he did in ECS (we are trying not to call it daycare), he says I did all my homework, I learned about my body. Great explanation. He did have trouble with the transition from outside to inside. He did have a tantrum, and did flail around. It was dealt with. He said he wouldn't do anything, and within two minutes he was playing. T at the daycare centre is very angry that he was not given more than a two day chance. That the K teacher did not call ...

False Start

My heart goes out to my little one. He trys so hard in this world, and I want what is best for him. When his kindergarten teacher called me Friday she said my option was to keep him at home until his Doctors appointment at the end of September or to hold him back from kindergarten completely for another year. DH called her as well and she explained another option of PAC. (don't know what the letters stand for). She told DH she would call on the weekend to explain things more to me. She called last night at 9:15. She explained these options to me. One was to put him on a waiting list for pre-k. There he would learn a little literacy and have a little less structure in his day. He could also go for the PAC evaluation. Which is a six week evaluation where I go with him each day and he gets evaluated. I could keep him home with me for another year. and then she says or if you do send him back on Monday I will do my best to work with him. ?????WTH. I asked details of his day....

I got a phone call this afternoon

and it wasn't a good one. DS kindergarten teacher called me. Told me that DS is not ready for kindergarten, that I should keep him at home for another year. He is shutting down, and not responding in class, he is spinning, and banging his head. He refused to leave the play ground this morning. A grade four teacher had to bring him in. He had to be removed from the class today. He had tantrums. Just a long list of reasons. I do not know what to do. He hated daycare, hated it, I would have to carry him in kicking and screaming he hated it so much. With kindergarten he had the chance of going to school, riding the school bus, and I thought his situation would improve greatly. I was wrong. So what do I do now? I work full time, my so called DH is not around to help me. What the heck do I do? Quit my job, find other care? I just do not know, and I have to have everything in place by Monday. aaaarrrrggggggg

New additions to the family

On the first we picked up some new babies: This is Whipping Cream, she will be DD pet, born at the end of July. This is Maple, my bunny. She is so sweet. That little black eye and ear just stole my heart. She is the tiniest out of the litter. DD was at a summer camp that had farm animals at a museum. The Momma bunny had five babies, and the kids handled them constantly. They named them Carmel, Cinamon, Blackberry, Whipping Cream, and Maple. Very tame and so sweet. I agreed to take one. Then we got the call that Mommy bunny had had six more babies, I decided that we would take two. I have an appointemnt with the vet to ensure that they are the same sex, cause I don't want a bunch of babies.

DS off to kindergarten

Yesterday we had an hour orientation and then today it was off on the school bus and into kindergarten. I gave him a huge hug and told him he was no longer a baby but my big boy. He was so excited and happy to be going. His big sister was so helpful and protective of him, she even sat with him on the school bus. I cannot wait till tonight to find out how he did all day. And for those of you asking, yes our mornings and nights are cool now. It got down to 2 degrees celcius last night, you could see your breathe this morning. Kids need the hoodies in the morning, and then not in the afternoon.

Back to school

DD first day of grade three is today. She is very excited to be going back, and hoping she gets her dream teacher. There was a fiasco last year at the start of school and DD started with her dream teacher and then they moved her twice more and she ended up with a split teacher room. This year she hopes she gets Mrs. K, for good. I hope the school has their act together this year. She didn't want me to drive her, she didn't want me to follow the school bus, she wanted to do it on her own just like last year. She was happy to have mom wait at the bus stop with her though.