My Son:
September has been quite a month for him. He quits going to the daycare he has attended for years. Says goodbye to his friends and favorite teacher T. Starts Kindergarten at school. Get to go on the school bus, (huge for him), goes with his big sister (huge for him). He acts out at Kindergarten the first two days. A couple refusals to do what he is supposed to do. One time out. A couple of temper tantrums. His teacher calls me on the Friday afternoon and tells me I need to keep him home for another year and let him mature, or to keep him at home until after his appointment tomorrow. She later calls me sunday night and says if I do decide to send him back, she will do her best. Well I had already changed plans. I had to fire the girl I had hired to watch him part time, I had to cancel after school care. I got him back into daycare. Into the private kindergarten that is run through daycare. This was a huge crush to his self confidence and abilities. Not to be able to go with ...