
Showing posts from July, 2008

Deer in the city:

I pick Austin up at daycare last night, and we are driving home. At the side of the road is this little buck. Short little antlers and still as a statue. I pointed it out to Austin. He was so excited. I KNOW that deer mommy, I KNOW that deer. How do you know that deer sweetie??? It's SANTA's reindeer. LOL I got most everything packed last night. Just need to figure out what scrap stuff if any to take with me. So excited.

LOL Texas 2007

Going on a jet plane

Man this trip snuck up on me fast. I leave Thursday and still do not even have a list of things to go, let alone anything ready. eeeekkkkkkk DS had a good birthday yesterday. He is definitely 5 now. DD was up half the night screaming with night terrors, she wants to go to Texas with me. The Alamo, El Mercado (?), the mall, the hotel, the pool, the friends, should be a fantastic weekend.

My Baby is 5 today

DS is five years old today. Five years ago I was already checked into the hospital, the induction was underway, and I was bored out of my head. My friend Yo was there, DH was there, and Mom was there. DD was at Glenda's. I wanted a bath so spent most of the mid day in a bathtub. Then the nurse wanted me out so that they could check for the contractions and check on the baby. I went back to bed and that was it. I was checked at 3:15 pm and I was 2 cm dilated. The band on my tummy was showing good heartbeat, and no distress. Yo got back from lunch. She started rubbing my sore back. It really hurt. I had heat packs to put on it. I really started to be in pain, I asked for meds and the nurse told me that my doctor had not left orders for any. She left. DH is in the chair in the corner of the room, I asked him to get me drugs, he laughed, I was ready to kill him. Finally the nurse gets me some nitrous, I suck it back, and all it did was make me naseous. Yo had a good t...

8 and 4

I only ever have 16 days to get pics of my two kids with double the age between them. And today I didn't do it.


wow has my creative accountant posts ever been getting a lot of hits lately. Wonder what is up with that. anyone wanna tell me why now? DS birthday party is tomorrow. DH is working all weekend. Texas is next week. So much going on.

Carbon Monoxide Poisening

Monoxide poisoning By Paul Cowley - Red Deer Advocate - July 15, 2008 | | | | Emergency personnel, school officials and parents at the scene after a number of children at Grandview School were taken into ambulances. by JERRY GERLING/Advocate staff More than 20 children were taken to hospital Monday afternoon after many were sickened by carbon monoxide poisoning at Grandview Elementary School. Red Deer Emergency Services was called at about 3:15 p.m., after a number of the 28 children involved in a playground group program at the school at 4145 – 46th St. reported feeling sick, said Randy Kidd, platoon chief. “We believe the problem was a carpet cleaning van parked by the doors running,” he said. “(The carbon monoxide) was building up over the course of the day.” Making the problem worse was the prevailing wind, which was blowing exhaust into the building. Some of the children aged six to 12 were throwing up and others complained of nausea and headaches. Kidd said about ...

Wonderful Weekend

DD and I went down to Drumheller for her birthday. IT was her choice what to do. We went to the ROyal Tyrell Museum, and went all through it. Lots of changed exhibits from last year. We then went into town and did the climb up the worlds largest dinosaur, played at the waterpark. Then went to the hoodoos and climbed them, she did awesome, I chickened out. Then to the suspension bridge. It was a long day but we had so much fun. Sunday morning I took DS to the local waterpark for a couple of hours. $2 for three hours is pretty good. He had a blast and showed off all his skills, and the waterslide was a hit. It was so much fun being there with him. Last night I got all our fair entries together and they are ready for drop off today. Parade and fair is Wednesday, fair is on until Sunday. Tickets to Clint Black on Friday and Sawyer Brown is playing on Saturday. Should be lots of fun, hope it does not rain.

Beautiful Baby

Eight years ago today I found myself eagerly anticipating the birth of this wonderful little baby. I didn't know if it would be male or female (I suspected male), or when it would come, I wasn't even all that sure that I was ready to have it, I loved being pregnant. And it was a HOT HOT HOT summer. I layed in bed that night knowing that whatever the next day brought my life would never be the same. I was right it was never the same again only better. Love you baby.

Thank ful Thursday

1) Gotta love this a pair of pants I have not wore in over two weeks, been washed, dryed, folded and put away. I wear today. I find a ten dollar bill in perfect condition in the pocket. Makes me go mmmmm. 2) Mommy can I have an apple. Sure sweetie. I don't want it with pee on it Mom. Took me a minute to realize he meant peeling. LOL 3) Mommy Mommy come with me, now. So I go. Look out the window isn't it the most beautiful purple you ever saw. Ummm yes, thinking to myself OMG what a storm cloud. 4) Alexis Alexis come quick. Will you take a picture of me hugging Mommy. (This melted my heart) 5) Waking with a vicious storm overhead, hearing the wind, thunder, hail slamming the house, hoping one of the kids would wake up and come to bed so I wouldn't be all alone. That was funny. Storms don't generally frighten me, but that one last night out of a deep sleep sure did. The kids slept right through it. 6) Being Thursday gymnastics has a program for the parent...


DD might have actually learned from yesterday. As the race proceeded to the van after daycare pickup she worked it in slow motion so that DS made it to the van first got in his car seat first and buckled up first. She had him a card saying she was sorry at gymnastics camp. She picked a rose to give to him. Her punishment is not WII or DS for a week. She was so very sad, she thought adequate punishment was giving up her birthday on Saturday, I was impressed she offered but I didn't think that was right. She cried on my should like a little one, and wanted her mommy to read her a story. She is not used to being in this deep of doodoo. LOL. DS is running around, but if he bangs his toe, does he ever cry. More forms, more paperwork for the different doctors to get DS evaluated for his behavior and temper. It is going so slowly, I really want a plan in place before Kindergarten starts in September.

Siblings and fighting

DD is 7 DS is 4, each one to get a year older within weeks. Well: the fighting is driving me nuts, totally insane. DS was up during the night, which makes me tired as well. DD starts mobbing him in bed, I tell her to leave him alone, took three times before she did. And then in his room. This was told three times to leave him alone. Then out the door for daycare and camp and work. I say do not start a fight. SHe insults how slow he is. They head off running to the gate. DS beats her, she is pissed off, yanks the gate open hard into DS. Well he starts crying. I knew immediately it was a hurt cry and not a mad cry. Finally get him calmed down enough to ask where. He says his big thumb. I look it looks fine. I put him in his car seat, he is still uncontrollably crying. I ask again, he says his big thumb and points to his toe. I take off his croc, and the entire bit toe nail is bent back. GREAT. I flip it back amongst tears, screaming, blood, and gore. I go to house to get...


Clutter is the bain of my existance. I just have no clue how to prevent it. I never seem to have time to deal with it all. Then when I get past my limit of endurance it takes me hours and hours and hours to do a thorough cleaning. Clutter physically in my world, at home, or work, or the car, bothers me mentally. It makes me feel even more claustrophobic. I spent over 13 hours yesterday changing DS room around, vacumming, cleaning my room, doing the living room, the kitchen, and laundry. The laundry OMG so much of it. It was boiling hot last weekend so I only did what I absolutely had to. This weekend I did the bedding, towels, incidentals plus all the laundry for four people. Mentally when I could walk on the floor without walking on stuff, or lay on a nice clean bed I felt better. And the bonus to it all, I found the kids vacination records that I have been looking for for months. Right where I thought they would be. Long chunky necklaces ... how do you store yours. I have ...

Free Friday's

Should I say free thought Fridays? In January I started getting pain in my left breast. Very bad pain. I would lay in bed at night and cry it hurt so bad. I had an appointment for my annual physical scheduled in February so thought I would wait and talk to my doctor then. She ended up having to go off on emergency leave herself. So my appointment was postponed. Then we had the trip to Disney. It hurt so bad, the rides and movement really hurt it. I finally got in to see my doctor, and she could detect a fair sized lump. So I had to wait for an ultrasound which didn't clarify anything. I have dense breasts and it is hard to see in them. I then had an ultrasound and had to wait for that. No cancer, it is something called mastalgia. A gland has not drained properly and is clogged and causing pain. I have started omega threes, cut all caffeine out of my diet, stopped any activities where the breasts move around a lot. I am still in a lot of pain from it. My normal pai...