
Showing posts from October, 2007

2nd set weird questions for the day

21. I've never... jumped from an airplane 22. What's your favorite comfort when you're ill? cinamon toast 23. I collect... thimbles 24. What was your worst fashion mistake? power red 25. What advice would you give your younger self? quit worrying so much 26. If you choke a smurf, what color does it turn? bluer 27. What was your best vacation ever? cruise to mexico, grand cayman, and jamica 28. Do you fold your sheets or just scrunch them up? roll them 29. Pepsi or Coke? coke 30. I miss... a friend 31. What kind of parent would you be? better 32. What was the last movie you watched? Pans Labrinth still don't get it 33. I'd be totally screwed without... pain killers 34. The last time I actually cooked something, I made... brownies 35. What's your favorite charity? brain injury awareness 36. People think that I'm... not shy 37. Have you ever been on TV? yes in a commercial 38. Skim milk, Lowfat milk, Whole milk, or Chocolate milk? no dairy here 39. I believ...

Weird questions for the day.......

1. Glasses or contacts? glasses 2. Martha or Oprah? neither 3. What food would you like to lick off someone? ewwww 4. When I'm bored, I... ? never bored, always something to be done 5. Salty or sweet? salty 6. In retrospect, do you wish you had studied harder or had more fun? I had a good balance 7. If I were a Disney character, I'd be... Nemo 8. What do you wear to bed? nothing 9. What's your favorite restaurant? East SIde Marios 10. When I want to be alone, I... ? Don't get what I want 11. How often do you cook? LOL 12. What makes you blush? saying inappropriate things 13. No matter how desperate I was for a guy/girl, I'd never... ask them out 14. How many days past expiration are you willing to drink milk? ewwwwwwww 15. Where would you like to go on vacation? nebraska 16. What's the sexiest accent? french 17. Fill in the blank: strawberries + chocolate = heaven 18. Wal-Mart is... busy 19. Would you rather listen to the same song or eat the same meal fo...

Halloween fun

Truly my little angel, I had this image in my mind of what I was trying to capture, and I just could not translate from my mind, to the camera. Well luvmyvespa came to my aid, and made this absolutely fantastic. I love love love the sun hitting the halo, that was my point of it. I am in love, I cannot wait to pick up the printed copy. So once again thank you. I wanted to do something simple and easy, for little gifts for caregivers at daycare and school from my kids. SOmething they could actually help with, if not do the most of. I thought of doing pringle cans, and then filling with halloween treats, however none of the guys I work with had empty cans. Go figure, any other time there would be tons kicking around. So I bought pringles, was not about to eat them myself so we decorated as is. Now Austin at 4 wanted what was inside but I explained the concept and he got it. He knew that chips were inside and that his caregivers would get to eat them. So we decorated the cans...


Angel wings and halo at sanfransisco $6.00 and the dress at value village $5.99 and truly a happy little angel Ghost Brownies - for those of you that know I don't cook, I actually baked on Sunday. We made rasberry No Pudge Brownies, and then topped them to make them look like ghosts. The kids enjoyed it, first time I have ever baked with DS and second time ever for DD. We then took them in to the staff at daycare on Monday. This pumpkin is so heavy mom My Angelic Alexis

Sometimes you cannot win for losing.....

Seven negative random facts........ 1) I don't always know when to keep my mouth shut 2) I am useless when it comes to technology 3) I scream at my kids at times 4) I am a pesimist...been pissed on way too many times 5) I have anxiety issues 6) I am morbidly obese 7) I do not feel emotions the way others perceive them Seven Positive Random Facts: 1) I am strong ( I have put up with lots and I still stand ) 2) I work hard to keep a roof over our heads and food in our mouths 3) I am a loyal person 4) I can still cry (when the time comes that I can't I will know life is over) 5) I appreciate nature 6) 7) Seven totally random facts: 1) I love to express myself creatively 2) photography was a passion of mine from the age of 10 3) I cannot cook, unless it comes out of a package and goes in the oven or can be microwaved I am useless in the kitchen 4) I have to way the pro's and con's of everything, to figure out if the expenditure of energy is worth the reward of doing "i...

Little Things make a big difference............

Al from Z99 (local radio station AM DJ) was making comments about pennies, and nickels being meaningless. My daughters grade two class was discussing this, so their teacher had a challenge issued. Bring in as many pennies as you can, well word of this got out, and more classes decided to participate. And from there it just snowballed. Unicef donated Halloween treat bags, they were filled with food donations and taken to the school. DD grade two class filled an entire coffee can with pennies, the money raised will go to UNICEF charities. The food donated will go to the local food bank. It is an awesome thing that DD is learning that the LITTLE things make a BIG difference, both locally and globally. Walking into the school on Friday to see the amount of food in the assembly centre was breathtaking. In DD Friday journal letter home to Mom, she talked about giving to others less fortunate. My reply back was how proud I was that she had learned Little things can make a big dif...

Monster Name

Your Monster Profile Basilisk Midget You Feast On: Pickles You Lurk Around In: Wal-mart You Especially Like to Torment: Emo Kids What's Your Monster Name?

Weekend working

I have to take DD to swimming lessons in the morning, I can workout while she is there, if my shoulder feels better. Then I need to take her to find a gown for her angel costume at Value Village, pick up my pictures of my weekend away, and then to a photography class in the afternoon. In the evening the four of us are going to a Rebel game (local hockey) Cam Ward used to be a Rebel, so were the Vandermeer's, and on Sunday, that good ole housewife stuff, plus I really really want to do some crafting.

Wonder wonder wonder

Wondering Wednesday today...................... - driving by a Canadian owned grocery chain, and there is this HUGE Canadian flag flapping in the wind. It was so bright, so red, so white, with the sky so dark and overcast. It was like it was a beacon of hope, hope for our freedom, hope for our government, hope for our identity, hope for our troops. - a development is happening on a huge tract of land. It was complete wetlands in the spring, and today the heavy equipment is gone, and it is completely flat built up land, totally flat with what looks like clay. Wondering where that fill comes from, how do they get rid of the wetlands? Is it even good to do so? - wondering why some people have to be so hateful and mean and just plain nasty. One of the effer dare girls Kris, won a HOF placement, it turns out she used a photo not taken by her, when she told CK this they then published her LO with the appropriate credit given. Now the HOF rules stated to use your own photography, sh...

Canada's Scrapbooking Crop for Kids

Effer Dares Layout Instructor: Kristina Contes Sponsored by Tinkering Ink and Hambly. Okay Hambly pulled out so we used Tinkering Inks. Awesome line, really enjoyed this class. Kris is a real sweetheart. Every time she opens her mouth ideas just pour out. I did this LO on me, it was great to do. I have done Effer's for a long time and it was great to meet one of the founders of this. And I won the new Dare book and got it autographed. "Me" Journal Instructor: Sally Griswold and Josie Celio 'Me Journal', an introspective personal journal, including cleverly decorated chipboad dividers, and beautifully printed journaling pages with journaling prompts designed to help you explore, uplift and celebrate the woman who is uniquely you! Materials will include the new release materials from Prima Sponsored by Prima Marketing Inc. and Sakura. The new materials from Prima were there newsprint flowers, very cool. WE only had time to do the title page of this, it looke...

Pay It Forward Results

Laurensmom, Georgina, Leslie, and Kristin, will all get an item homemade from me, in the mail shortly. I am doing four, just because. LOL. So for the PAY IT FORWARD to work each one of you girls needs to post the original challenge on your blogs, and the first three people to comment then have something homemade by you sent to them. Does that make sense? Then those three actually nine post the challenge on their blogs and it gets paid forward again. Lets get this going..........................

Packed and ready to go

I am off to Edmonton to the Canada's Scrapbooking for Kids weekend. I am so so so excited about this. First class teachers, awesome classes. Rock on baby, rock on.

Pay It Forward (NOW COMPLETED)

Have you heard of "Pay It Forward"? This has been going around the blogs at the moment and now it's my turn. I was lucky enough to be one of the first three people to comment on the Lindalou Blog and now I will receive a handmade gift from her. I absolutely haunt this lady, I love her LO and her travelling. I can't wait. I am so excited. And now I must keep the challenge going and this is how it works: The first three people to comment on this post {who would like to be involved in the Pay It Forward Challenge} will receive a handmade gift from me. All you have to do is keep the fun challenge going by agreeing to create three handmade gifts for three more people, hence the term "Pay it Forward". So what are you waiting for?

Thanskgiving Day

Unveiling my beautiful new smile. I love it, and am so happy with it. This past year 2007 has been filled with many downs. Physical downs on my side. IT seems every single month something on my body has gone wrong. I told my daughter last night that sometimes I wanted to scream at God for making me hurt so much. She says I would rather have you scream at him than me. But I don't think he is listening much Mommy. I immediately stopped dead in my tracks. Why not Sweetie?? She tells me that she prays every night that I will stop hurting, stop screaming, and that Daddy will come home. I gave her the largest hug in the world and told her sometimes God answers prayers but in ways we don't immediately see. OMG my 7 year old daughter. I have got to change my life, I really do. This past year 2007 has been filled with an enormous thing to be thankful for. An accident that I was hurt in back in 1996 was finally settled. This let DH and I out from under the tonne of debt we ...

A small skiff of snow overnight

For once the weatherman was right. BLAH

Classes at CSCFK

Effer Dares Layout Instructor: Kristina Contes Learn about the craze that is taking the scrapbooking world by storm by one of the Effer Girls herself, Kristina Contes. In this class you will complete a layout based on a current dare. The Effer Dares are guaranteed to get your scrapbook mojo going and challenge you to keep it real! You will be playing with some of the AMAZING Tinkering Ink products along with some other FABULOUS products from Hambly. Sponsored by Tinkering Ink and Hambly. "Me" Journal Instructor: Sally Griswold and Josie Celio 'Me Journal', an introspective personal journal, including cleverly decorated chipboad dividers, and beautifully printed journaling pages with journaling prompts designed to help you explore, uplift and celebrate the woman who is uniquely you! In addition to taking home a fabulous journal, you'll learn mixed media techniques at the hands of the Iron Orchid sisters, Josie and Sally, known for their eclectic brand of art and si...

Walk at noon on a fall day

Such a beautiful day yesterday at noon. The forcast has been revised and now it is supposed to be nice this weekend. WOOHOO

Plane Pictures

In the Pilots Seat. Complete absorption in the ride. A little cessna, four seater.

Weatherman doom and gloom

Last week we had to listen to the weather man predicting snow on Friday for the weekend. Well it didn't come. It came an hour west of us, but not here. So first thing Monday morning it starts again. Snow on Friday , for the long weekend, grrrrrr, I hate it. Doesn't help that I cannot find a size 8 snowsuit for DD. DS has one that was given to him by a wonderful lady so he is covered. I still need hats and mits for them. I bought boots yesterday. DD is studying the equator in school. I show her on the mape where it is, and then where we are in comparison. Thats a long way mom. Yes it is a long way, that is why we only have two seasons, summer and winter, and why the equator has only one season summer. Cause they are so far away. I know I will get blasted when she tells her teacher that. LOL. My Crop for Kids scrapbooking weekend extra-ordinairre is coming up in two weeks in Edmonton. I am so looking forward to taking the classes from the likes of Kristina Conte...

Adventures Abound

My little guy elected to spend Friday night at Grandmas house. I was supposed to go to a crop but it was canceled. So I elected to let him spend the night at Grandmas and then DD and I could work on cards together and scrapbook together. So on Friday night we did our Halloween cards and got them ready to be sent. Then on Saturday we scrapbooked after swimming lessons. I finished the very last journal in the 11 month long circle journal I was in. I am so glad it is mailed and the halloween cards are mailed. A week from today is Canadian THanksgiving. Giving how I am feeling DH proposed that we celebrate with the yankees this year, works for me. I can't eat much anyway. We have so much to be thankful for this year. SO much. I cry sometimes when I think about that. How our lives have changed in the last year is tremendous. Yesterday the food bank paired up with SKy Wings aviation for a fundraiser. I took my little guy and we went. For a case of macaroni or $20.00 you cou...