
Showing posts from August, 2007

School Chaos - not sure what to think

This is long and I am sorry for that: DD school, was merged with another school, we knew this was happening. It was "supposed" to make only a difference of losing the principal and music teacher (which we loved), and adding at most 2-3 kid per class from K - 5. Well as of yesterday I know the full scoop and I do not know what to think of it. There is now one dedicated grade one One Merged grade one & two One Dedicated grade two One Merged grade two & three One dedicated grade three One Dedicated grade 4 One Merged 4 & 5 One dedicated 5 By the luck of the draw, my DD who started grade two is in the merged two three room. The good side of this is the teacher could not keep her busy in grade one, so she may be challenged in this class. Maybe. However I also notice that the grade three-ers that are in it, are mostly the special needs kids that are more at a two level anyway. I just do not know what to think. I am trying to think positive, but this totally shocke...

Photo assignment: # 3 I think

Was to set your camera down, and take a picture with your longest setting and shortest setting on your lens. I think anyway here it is.

More Pictures

I saw that pose somewhere yesterday in my travels, and I have to admit that since I have a little blonde, with a pink shirt, and a pink lollipop I stole the idea, but the original was much better. I saw the web in the backyard and thought I would practice macro on it, well I went into house to get camera, telling austin not to break the web, and he comes screaming inside, mommy theres a big BIG spider on it. So I practiced on the spider, loved doing it. Not so great at macro but loved trying out the settings.

Some pictures

Austin goofing around last night at the park Alexis first day of school, love that expression. Sun was so bright and so low in the east the shadows and squinting were terrible. The school bus, she did not want me to meet her at school and make sure she was settled in. She is growing up.

Tuesday Tellings

-tomorrow is first day of grade two for DD - four staff left daycare their last day is the 31st, up for sale and staff leaving - weather is finally clearing some - went to a stampin up party last night - learned how to mask - learned how to cropodile in person - showed Mom my Alaska pics and she picked 24 that she wanted copies of - get to go to massage tomorrow looking forward to that - DR appointment on Friday - so tired - want to play with photos tonight - leaves are very subtly turning yellow on us eeeekkkkk it is still august - frost yesterday on top of garage roof eeeekkkkk it is still august - I miss my DH - car shows this weekend and I won't be going.

My little guy

These were taken on his birthday exactly one month ago today, he is 4 years old. Honors out to walmart for the pics. Four was a horrible year for our daughter, we almost did not survive it, then K started and she really improved. So now unfortunately it looks like DS is heading to some fearsome fours as well. His behavior this past week had me apalled. Totally apalled. I am ashamed to admit that I was apalled but I was ashamed to admit he was my kid too. OMG. Last night I saw a little bit of my sweetie emerging, just a tiny bit, just before bed, during quiet time, I saw a glimpse of him.

Is it just me (heavy thought)

or do other women at various times in their lives feel like they are a total failure at one specific thing. I would imagine that the one specific things changes from woman to woman, but I really wonder sometimes if I am the only one or if others feel it too. There is one area of my life (I am not going to name it) that I feel I am a complete total failure. I feel that I do not have the knowledge or skills or ability to figure out how to make it better. I want to, I really do, I accept that it is my fault (not in a martyr way), but I just do not know what to do, how to change, to make this area of my life different. A success would be nice, but right now I would settle for just making that one area different. Am I the only one?

Monday first day back

Today is my first day back at work after having my two weeks holidays. I take DS to daycare, and go to sign him in and find a letter posted on the board that says the owner has put the daycare up for sale. This means a lot of stress coming up for parents and workers alike. Not what I wanted to see first day back. Work, work work, when I am off no one does my job, it just piles up. So not nice. While I was out of touch a good friend got sick and almost died on me. WIsh I could have been there for you Ruthann. Alaska was all that and more, keep checking into my North to Alaska link for pictures. I took over 1,000. thank heavens for digital. I am still sorting and picking what ones to scrap. LSS vent, they got two special orders wrong on me. arggggggg My DS appalled me this past week. totally appalled me. I am still coming to terms with my feelings on the matter. I cleaned DD room on Saturday, took out six garbage bags of stuff, and donated lots. Sunday was the day for DS ...

Off on holidays

I am off on holidays. I am leaving sunday for Alaska, and then I am back for a weeks but still on holidays. I will be updating the blog in my side bar NORTH TO ALASKA during my travels so my hubby and DS can see what Mommy and sister and grandma are up to. Feel free to drop in and leave a comment.

Scared the crap outta me

get home tonight and go to go into the garage and can't get the door open. I park outside, I have not been in the garage since last week, the last time it would have been open was Sunday. I can't get the side door to open. So I push harder, it gives a little so I push even harder. The speaker is knocked over and in front of the door. I notice that the rug in front of the door is shredded, and then there is fluffy yellow stuff on the floor, bottles are knocked over. I finally push hard enough to get the door open. What a mess, the rug is totally shredded into long strips, the speakers are knocked over, the DVD stand is knocked over, there is drywall and insulation all over the floor. I am getting scared at this point. Really wondering what the heck. I see more shelves of stuff knocked over, big oil bottles tipped off shelves, the blinds on the windows are bent, and broken. Big chunks of drywall near the windows are ripped out of the wall. I am really scared by now. I send the ki...

Feeling overwhelmed.....

I leave on Sunday to go to Vancouver, then to the cruise. I have so much that needs to be done prior to going. We leave at an insanely early hour on Sunday morning so I have to be 100 percent done on Saturday night. I have had to wait on my bosses, so I am not even done July monthend yet. THere is more work than I have time left. My pain is so bad I am having a really hard time concentrating. It is just killing me, doesn't help with the weather and the stress at all. The kids the second they see each other at daycare until I lock them up at night they are fighting. It bothers me so much, in fact it drives me insane. Around 8 last night, I was in tears screaming quit it I can't take it anymore, I am not your mommy any more and then I locked myself in my room. I just couldn't stand to be around them anymore. Once I calmed down I talked to them. I told them about Cami being the big sister and Travis being the little brother, and Travis dieing and now Cami has no brothe...

Texas Album Pages 11-14


Texas Album Pages 6-10


Texas Album Pages 1 - 5


Texas was so much fun

WOW: what a weekend. I got picked up at the airport by Lori, Lori, and Leslie. I didn't even know who Leslie was, I had to turn her name tag around. She is so pretty and so young in real life. Nothing like her avator at SJ. Then into the crop. I walk in and think to myself "oh, Ashley got her hair cut", then did a double step back as I didn't know Ashley was going to be there. I got introduced around, lots of hugs and hi's. Then I got turned around and there comes DTC towards me. I wanted to stomp my foot, and shake my finger and say "You B...." but I didn't I hugged, and cried and enjoyed my surprise. I knew in my heart she was going to be there, but I really doubted myself. My book, I preworked a book, for pics of me and everyone. I wanted everyone to sign it and man it was like having teeth pulled. People that are scrapbookers should know how to journal, but man it was hard to get some of them to do it. The good news is I did get eve...

Photo assignment:
